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Meet Chef Maureen O'Neal

Personal Chef, Culinary Instructor and Certified Holistic Health Coach 


Nothing makes me happier than being in the kitchen creating healthy, nourishing foods for others. If you're too busy to cook or it's simply not where you choose to spend your time, I can assist by doing the meal planning, shopping and preparation leaving you with a tidy kitchen, wonderful aromas and a refrigerator full of tasty, nutritious food.


My love of cooking started at a young age assisting my mother in the kitchen.  Growing up in a family of nine there were endless opportunities to cook!  I've continued my culinary journey over my lifetime by attending culinary school, experimenting in the kitchen, traveling to experience new cuisines, taking classes and reading every food publication known to man.

Cooking is a form of artistic expression and a moving meditation for me.  I enjoy taking simple, vibrant ingredients and transforming them into a sum greater than their parts. I take the utmost care with each and every dish I create by balancing flavors, textures and colors.
In addition to my culinary studies, I've always been interested in alternative health which led me to enroll in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I graduated as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. I believe in Hippocrates motto "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".  

To schedule a complimentary consultation, contact me at or call 919-413-1373

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